The Holy Trinity: God is all-powerful; Jesus is our Savior; the Holy Spirit is our guide
Mary is our Heavenly Mother
The Ten Commandments
The Sacraments
The marks of the Church
Prayer and Mass
Demonstrate proficiency in decoding words, including words with short vowels, long vowels, silent letters, r-controlled vowels, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, soft consonants, hard consonants, prefixes, suffixes, plurals, contractions, and compound words
Distinguish among and utilize simile and metaphor, personification, assonance and consonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, idioms, imagery, rhyme scheme, repetition, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs
Become independent readers though whole class, small group, and individual reading activities, and through exposure to a variety of texts
Understand the identifying features of literary genres, including poetry, realistic fiction, historical fiction , fantasy, fable, biography, autobiography, and expository nonfiction
Utilize graphic sources such as photographs, illustrations, graphs, charts, and diagrams to activate prior knowledge and make predications
Use graphic organizers to structure and summarize selected texts
Gain a working knowledge of the dictionary, thesaurus, and other reference materials
Use the steps of the writing process to write for various purposes
Develop effective speaking and listening skills
Develop number sense by ordering, comparing, and identifying place value in large numbers; rounding numbers; and writing numbers in standard and expanded form
Demonstrate proficiency in performing numerical operations, including multidigit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping; multiplication of multidigit numbers by a 1-digit number; and using multiplication and division facts from 0-10
Recognize fractions of a whole, a set, and time; compare fractions; add and subtract fractions with common denominators; understand mixed numbers
Calculate elapsed time, Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures; perimeter and area
Measure length, weight, and capacity using metric and customary units of measure
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
Understand geometric properties of points, lines, angles, and polygons
Explore symmetry, congruency, and transformations
Explore algebraic concepts through function tables, variables, and number patterns
Develop analytical problem-solving skills
Students explore:
Distinguishing features of rural, urban, and suburban communities
Map skills: cardinal and intermediate directions; keys, symbols, and scale; types of maps, position on a globe
Geography: continents, landforms, bodies of water; regions of the United States
Historical beginnings of the United States: Native American communities, European exploration and settlements, formation of a new nation
Government and responsible citizenship
Students explore:
Physical Science: Properties of matter; States of matter; Simple machines; Forces
Earth Science: Earth’s interior; Earth’s surface features and atmosphere
Life Science: Characteristics and classification of living things; Ecosystems