Education for Tomorrow, Faith for a Lifetime.
To contact our school nurse, please call 609-386-1645 x 202 or email [email protected].
Medication Policy and Procedure
Message from Nurse about illness
Below are important forms that can be downloaded to bring to your Physician's office for completion:
Universal Health Form - This form must be signed by a physician.
Authorization for Medication to be given during school hours (Physician signature required)
Self-Administration of Medication Release
Allergy Plan page 1 (Physician signature required) Allergy Plan page 2
Asthma Treatment plan page 1 (Physician signature required) Asthma Treatment Plan page 2
Click here for a letter from our school nurse regarding Scoliosis screenings (students ages 10+).
Helpful tips for parents:
Lice fact sheet
Head Lice - Treatment and Prevention