Parent/Teacher Communication Communication is essential in fostering your child's success! * Read my webpage for current topics and reminders. I update my webpage weekly. * Use the Genesis Parent Portal to see your child's grades and upcoming assessment dates. * Check your child's Homework Agenda for assignments, test dates and other reminders. Students are responsible for recording assignments in their Agenda in every class. * Classwork and homework assignments are posted on Google Classroom. * Email or call me with your questions or concerns. Conferences can be scheduled at a mutually convenient date and time. * If your child has a question about an assignment, please email me before 5:00 pm. * Read the online SPS Weekly News for schoolwide news and upcoming events.
Google Classroom Daily classwork and homework assignments are posted on Google Classroom. Absent students are responsible for checking Google Classroom for assignments. If there is no printer at home, students may obtain worksheets when they return to school.
Homework Homework is an opportunity to review skills learned in class. Homework also promotes a student's responsibility for his or her own learning. Students are given time during each class to record homework assignments, due dates, and upcoming assessment dates in their Homework Agenda. Homework must be turned in during the class period on the day it is due. Homework turned in one day late will recieve 50% credit. Work turned in two or more days late will receive no credit. If homework cannot be completed because of a family or medical emergency, please email me or attach a note to the assignment. Your child will be given an opportunity to finish the work.
Make Up Assignments due to Sickness Students are given a reasonable amount of time to make up missed work. Assignments are posted on Google Classroom. It is the student's responsibility to make up missed work. Upon request, work can be prepared to be sent home. Please let the school office know your request before 11:30 so that I may gather materials in time for you to pick up at 3:00 dismissal.
Work Missed Due to Family Trips See the SPS handbook for absences due to family trips / vacations. Assignments are posted on Google Classroom.
Food for Thought If you allow your child to argue with you, s/he will argue with me. If you let your child speak to you disrespectfully, s/he will use that tone with teachers. If you allow your child to break rules without consequences, s/he will not respect school rules. You are your child's first teacher. I believe parents and teachers work together to build a child's academic, social, and emotional growth and success.