Education for Tomorrow, Faith for a Lifetime.
ILA Supplies
Each student will need the following:
1 jumbo book sox/book cover - Our Literature books are large, and out of print. A book cover is needed to protect them as these are used from year to year. Please also keep a roll of clear contact paper at home to cover softcover books so that they don’t fall apart during the school year.
1 three-subject spiral notebook - Because ILA is an integrated class, we cover a variety of topics, so a divided notebook helps keep the students’ notes organized. The notebook should be divided into three sections: Vocabulary, Novels, and Literature & Grammar (for 6th graders, this label is Wonders)
1 two-pocket folder (not needed if the notebook has folders built into the dividers) - To keep all ILA papers in one central location
1 pocket-size dictionary - Needs to be in class each Monday when we define Vocabulary words and prefixes (6th grade)/roots (7th & 8th grade). This can be kept year to year.
1 index card file case (To be kept at home!) - Because there are review units built into the Vocabulary book, students will be tested on the same words several times throughout the year, making sure that they are retaining information. A safe spot at home to keep all of their flashcards will ensure that students will have all of their resources when it is time to review
300 index cards (need 20 at a time in school; keep others at home) - 20 cards are needed for each Vocabulary unit. Students will make their own flashcards (this is a homework assignment) to keep in their ILA folder or pencil pouch to use to study both the spelling and definitions of the words. It is recommended that they use a small bag or rubber band to keep the 20 words all together. When they finish each unit, the cards can be brought home and placed inside of the file case.
Google Classroom
Daily classwork and homework assignments are posted on Google Classroom. Absent students are responsible for completing these assignments. Google Classroom is also a resource to use for forgotten homework, as well as additional resources, such as audio versions of the novels we are reading and websites with review games for Vocabulary words.
Homework Policy
Homework is an opportunity to review skills learned in class. Homework also promotes a student's responsibility for his or her own learning.
Students are given time during each class to record homework assignments, due dates, and upcoming assessment dates in their Homework Agenda. Homework assignments reminders are also posted on the Google Classroom.
Homework must be turned in during the class period on the day it is due. I check homework for completion, and then go over it with the class for accuracy. Your child will only be graded for completion of the work. If the assignment was completed, they will receive a 100. Late or incomplete assignments receive a maximum of a 70% in Genesis.
All assessments (quizzes, tests, papers) given on paper will be stamped with a "Please Sign & Return" mark. Students are expected to have their parents sign on the line and bring it back to class with them within two days (assessments are yours to keep after that). Getting this signature counts as a homework assignment. Any questions that you have about the grade should be marked on the paper, or emailed to me, so that I can respond.
If homework cannot be completed because of a family or medical emergency, please email me or attach a note to the assignment. Your child will be given an opportunity to finish the work.
Make Up Assignments
Students are given a reasonable amount of time to make up missed work. Assignments are posted on Google Classroom. It is the student's responsibility to turn in missed work upon return to school.
Upon request, work can be prepared to be sent home. Please let the school office know your request before 11:30 so that materials can be gathered in time for dismissal.
Grading for ILA:
Tests/Projects 35%
Quizzes 25%
Classwork/Journal 20%
Homework 20%
Vocabulary is a part of ILA. Students in grades 6-8 will be given a list of words from the Vocabulary Workbook to study for two weeks. By the end of the first week, students will be expected to be prepared for a spelling quiz; by the end of the second, they should be prepared for a vocabulary quiz. They can also be expected to take tests on stories we are covering in class and the grammar rules we reviewed that week.
For ILA, there will be long-term writing projects. These projects could come in a variety of forms: essays for contests, book reports, etc. For the most part, I use a rubric when grading such assignments. I’ve found that these help students better understand what is expected of them, and also help them see how to achieve the grades they hope for. When the rubric is returned to them, they can clearly see why they earned a particular grade. A rubric will be supplied at the beginning of each project to help guide them as they work on the assignment. Points will be taken off when an assignment is turned in late. Please note that there will occasionally be cross-curricular projects where written assignments from other classes will earn them an ILA grade as well.
All assignments are posted in the on-line gradebook Genesis. I update my grades at least once a week. Please check there to see if your student any missing assignments.
I typically answer emails during school hours, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm.