Prayers: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Apostles Creed
God reveals Himself to us through His Son, Jesus Christ
God calls us to be holy; to follow Jesus; to love others
God calls us to worship Him
We show our love of God through worship and good behavior
God gave us The Ten Commandments as a sign of love
Jesus gave us The Beatitudes
Demonstrate proficiency in decoding sounds, letters, and words; learn vocabulary strategies and literary elements; become independent readers; read a variety of materials and texts with fluency and comprehension
Write in clear, concise, organized language; write across the curriculum in all disciplines, with clarity, organization and structure including the ability to address a wide variety of audiences
Learn various writing styles (Personal Narrative, How-to Article, Persuasive, Compare & Contrast Letter, Expository, Fictional Story) through writer’s workshops, while utilizing knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and parts of speech
Demonstrate active listening skills
Speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies for different audiences and purposes
Develop number sense with 4-digit numbers, place value through millions, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, Roman numerals
Use geometric properties such as symmetry, congruence, and similarity; identify, find, and name points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, right angles, types of triangles and circles
Understand, select, and apply various methods of performing numerical operations, including addition and subtraction of 4, 5, and 6-digit number with regrouping and across zeros; multiplication facts through 12; multiply 2, 3, and 4 digit numbers by 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers, divide 3 and 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit and 2-digit divisor with and without a remainder
Develop an understanding measurement, including length, width, area, perimeter, capacity, weight, time, and temperature with customary and metric systems
Use estimation strategies and recognize situations in which estimation is appropriate.
Develop an understanding of patterns, relationships, and functions and will use them to represent and explain real-world phenomena.
Develop an understanding of statistics and probability and will use them to draw conclusions, make predictions, and describe data on graphs
Develop an understanding of algebraic concepts and processes
Develop an understanding of the conceptual building blocks of calculus by investigating and describing patterns that continue indefinitely
Students learn about our state of New Jersey through:
History and development of New Jersey (early Americans, Explorers, Settlers, Colonists, American Revolution, Immigration, WWI and WWII)
Civics (government, national holidays, symbols of our country, rights & responsibilities of citizens)
Identify and name the fifty states on a map
Students explore:
Earth Science
Landforms & Waterforms, resources, weather & climate, earthquakes, solar system
Physical Science
Structure & properties of matter, checmical changes, motion & forces, energy
Life Science
Classification of living things, cells, reproduction & heredity/genetics, evolution, interdependence of organisms, behavior of organisms, living systems